Tinnitus Solution Given FDA Clearance

In the fall of last year Broadmead Hearing Clinic was asked to be a clinical trial test site for Otoharmonics to evaluate their new tinnitus treatment methods.  We had a number of participants from our locations contribute to the overall study, which has finally been approved by the FDA.  We are very excited about this news because many people who received the treatment in the trial were seeking to continue the treatment following the conclusion of the trial because they found their tinnitus to be reduced as a result of using their Levo device. 

Tinnitus is a growing concern and for years, people were told there was “nothing they could do about it”.  This is happily no longer the case as more inventive products and technology are coming to market to serve the needs of this population.  We see many people with bothersome tinnitus that we can almost always help. 

We were lucky to have been able to work with local Starfish Medical to help to improve the interface that Audiologists and patients will use in the future. 


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Call today for a hearing evaluation.

Broadmead: 250-479-2969

Oak Bay: 250-479-2921

Colwood: 778-430-5834