Sound of Change Initiative

Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre (IDHHC) is a local non profit organization committed to helping people who live with hearing loss

Last week, they announced the formation of a new program, The Sound of Change, that is in place to help low income and at risk adults and seniors in our community with refurbished hearing aids for free. 

The hearing aid fittings will be done by a registered Audiologist at Island Deaf and Hard of Hearing’s office. Financial and annual income will be required to be eligible for this program. 

This is a wonderful addition to the services locally in our community to make accessing hearing aids easier for all. 

Annual membership ($25) to IDHHC will also be required to access the Sound of Change program. 

If you have any used hearing aids please send them along to this program either by dropping them off at their main office on Broughton Street or to either our Oak Bay or Broadmead Hearing Clinics.

For more information on this program contact IDHHC here.

Contact Us

Call today for a hearing evaluation.

Broadmead: 250-479-2969

Oak Bay: 250-479-2921

Colwood: 778-430-5834