The New ReSound Verso 5

One of the things I enjoy most about being an independent hearing clinic is being invited to each manufacturer’s new hearing aid release sessions.  I enjoy seeing how each manufacturer tries to leap frog, or out do, its competitors to offer what they consider to be “best in class”.

Lia and I just returned from a training seminar put on by Resound so I wanted to share with you what we learned.

Resound is unique.  They use a 2.4 GHz device to device communication method, which means that the individual hearing instruments constantly compare “notes” to dynamically analyze the sound environment and exchange and balance the input.   They also have one of the only direct transmission of wireless information from the source (ie TV), to the instruments.

The new release this week was of the Verso 5.  The Verso 7 and 9 were released last fall in the mid and high end product categories, but they have now released an entry level version of this same technology to allow more people access to hearing aids at lower price options.

I see many people being happy with this device, but especially for those where feedback has been an issue, where they may have very small ear canals, where they are musicians or if they don’t want to “deal with” a streamer device to watch TV.

As you may know, Resound is the only company working with Apple and this product will also be able to be altered through a remote control app that you can download free from the app store.

From Wikipedia:  Synergy is the interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different from or greater than the sum of their individual effects.  I think Resound hearing aids + Apple = synergy.

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Broadmead: 250-479-2969

Oak Bay: 250-479-2921

Colwood: 778-430-5834