Hearing aids through Veteran’s Affairs Canada

There have been some changes going on lately with  Veteran’s Affairs Canada (VAC).  News  from Friday reported that VAC has now afforded part time reservists the same benefits and compensation as full time veterans.   Good news financially for all reservists who may have suffered some degree of hearing loss or tinnitus due to noise exposure.  

For Veteran’s Affairs purposes, a hearing loss that would qualify for a disability benefit exists when the threshold sum is 100 dB or greater at frequencies of 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz and 3000 Hz in either ear, or 50 Db or more in both ears at 4000 Hz. To determine if you meet this guideline, book a hearing test appointment with one of the Audiologists in our clinic and it will be easy to see if you meet the criteria.  

In addition to payment for hearing aids, as well as all of the services, batteries and support you will need to manage hearing loss and tinnitus, you may also be eligible for a disability pension or award.

For more information about applying for hearing loss benefits go to 


The VAC website states, “it is preferred that audiograms submitted to the Department for entitlement or assessment purposes be performed by a clinical Audiologist. However, audiograms submitted from other sources such as hearing instrument specialists (HIS), physicians or nurses may be considered by VAC if they meet the following standards.” (and they go on to list standards).   

At Broadmead and Oak Bay clinics, you are in good hands because we are staffed exclusively by Audiologists so you will be sure to get exactly what you need to complete your application.

Contact Us

Call today for a hearing evaluation.

Broadmead: 250-479-2969

Oak Bay: 250-479-2921

Colwood: 778-430-5834