Just yesterday I saw a 60 year old man who has been using hearing aids since he was 45. Both of his hearing aids were the ‘Completely in the Canal‘ (CIC) style and were about 6 years old. He went back to our competitors clinic where he purchased them in Victoria and was told that because the hearing aids were over 5 years old, that the manufacturer would no longer repair them.
Now, this is not even close to the first time that I have heard this story. To set the record straight, the manufacturer will often repair it, but they charge an “over 5 year old repair fee” which makes it more expensive.
What we do at Broadmead and Oak Bay Hearing Clinics for people who need to repair older hearing aids is send them to an all-make repair place which is actually located right here in Victoria. We have frequently had hearing aids that were 7, 8 and even 10 years old be repairable!
The local man who does these repairs is an excellent technician and his rates are very reasonable. Often the manufacturer will quote us $450 for a repair that he can do for $95. Our policy for dealing with hearing aid repairs is to send them to the manufacturer when they are still under warranty, but we use the local guy for out of warranty repairs to save our clients a lot of money.
So, if you have an older hearing aid that you love, and you have been told that it can no longer be repaired, bring it to either of our Victoria locations and we will be happy to send it out for a quote.