ReSound Introduces the new direct to iPhone LiNX Hearing Aid

On March 17, 2014 Resound is releasing their new hearing aid called LiNX. 

The LiNX will be the first hearing aid to connect directly to a cell phone and provide the following benefits:

  • Take a phone call directly into your hearing aids using the iPhone. 
  • Stream music directly from your iPhone to your hearing aids.
  • Use an app on the iPhone as a remote control.
  • Use the iPhone microphone as a remote microphone which will help you hear better in noise.
  • Geo-tag locations you go to frequently so that when you return to this location, your hearing aids will change its settings automatically.

All this and a great hearing aid as well!

Another bonus to this new product release is the significant price reduction of Resounds current high end hearing aid, called the Verso 9.  This is typical for a hearing aid company because once the LiNX becomes available; the Verso line of hearing aids will be obsolete in a way that this product line will no longer be the latest release. 

If you have questions about pricing of the Verso 9 or want to participate in our demo of the LiNX aid, please contact me at or call 250-479-2969.

Contact Us

Call today for a hearing evaluation.

Broadmead: 250-479-2969

Oak Bay: 250-479-2921

Colwood: 778-430-5834