Living Successfully With Hearing Loss Course

Woman taking an online communication strategies class

Managing hearing loss 

The last two years have been especially tough on people living with hearing loss. Masks have robbed us of visual speech cues and left us dealing with the frustration of our hearing aids getting tangled up in the bands around our ears. It has been quite the ride.

Many people have resorted to a myriad of makeshift solutions such as:

  • Taping hearing aids on
  • Tying them to necklaces and jewelry
  • Not wearing their hearing aids (worst-case scenario)

Some have found moderate success with speech-to-text apps to help augment speech recognition by electronically generated captions of live conversations.

Hearing loss & personal communication 

Altogether, the pandemic has made participating in conversation for those with hearing loss even harder than it ever has been before. But there’s hope! If you are struggling to manage your hearing loss in our ever-changing and demanding communicative landscape, the Vancouver Community College Living Successfully with Hearing Loss course can provide you with practical and effective tools to help you get back on track!

The 12-week online course is taught by a brilliant audiologist and educator, Dr. Lisa Dillon Edget. Dr. Dillon Edget will guide participants along a journey to better communication, covering topics such as speechreading, communication strategy development, and assertiveness skills. Participants can expect to complete the course with a higher level of self-confidence in their communication ability and improved ability to self-advocate for accommodations of their hearing status.

Enroll in the course

Start the New Year strong and successfully by enrolling in the Living Successfully with Hearing Loss online course.

The next course dates start in January 2022.

Course syllabus:

Contact Us

Call today for a hearing evaluation.

Broadmead: 250-479-2969

Oak Bay: 250-479-2921

Colwood: 778-430-5834