Starkey was founded when William Austin purchased a small earmold company, Starkey Laboratories, in 1971 from Harold Starkey. Starkey’s headquarters are in Minnesota. Starkey developed the first “invisible-in-the-canal” hearing aid, the SoundLens, and is acknowledged as one of the leading manufacturers of custom hearing aids.
Starkey’s newest hearing aid is the Genesis AI.
Starkey Genesis AI
The Genesis AI features a brand new neuro processor with a unique on-board Deep Neural Network (DNN) accelerator engine that mimics the cerebral cortex of the human brain. This allows for 4X the processing speed compared to previous processors, which allows faster environmental identification and adaptation to occur automatically. Did you know the Starkey Genesis AI is capable of 80 million personalized hearing adjustments every hour, and boasts a 20dB improvement in dynamic range.

Starkey also boats the industry’s smallest wireless completely-in-the-canal (CIC) style hearing aid, allowing for Bluetooth connectivity in a very small package. Starkey also is one of the few manufacturers that offers a rechargeable custom-fit in-the-ear (ITE) and in-the-canal (ITC) style hearing aids.

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