This week we had a new user of hearing aids come into the office with her observations about her first week being aided. Because of her detail, we thought we would share it with you because she does a great job of explaining how her first few days go with the addition of hearing aids. This is real life stuff.
Great to read for anyone who wonders what it will be like to use hearing aids.
Hearing Aid Diary
June 9/14 Hearing aids put in approx. 12 noon by audiologist Wore them for the rest of the day until bedtime. Very comfortable.
Observations: Tinnitus not as noticeable. Can turn TV much lower. Crackling of paper. My footsteps on floor louder. Keyboard louder. More traffic noises. Signal light indicator louder. |
June 10 Put hearing aids in approx. 9am.
Observations: Ears felt a wee bit ticklish at first. After 10 min. or so, feeling of ticklishness went away. Wore them to gym class. Until music started, sounds of gym were noisy, i.e., sounded like a needle on a record with song finished. Once music started, it was loud, but better in terms of background noise. Also, sweated with moisture in hair (was concerned about hearing aids, but kept them in). Went for coffee at Pure Vanilla – conversation with friend & background noise well tolerated. Once home, took them out to shower. Reinserted at 3:30. Wore till bedtime. |
June 11 Put hearing aids in approx. 8:30am.
Observations: Newspaper crackles. Quite aware of this. Fields Test for eyes 11:30am – removed hearing aids for test. (don’t want sounds via hearing aids to interfere with my concentration of flashing lights). Put hearing aids back in upon returning home. Wore the rest of the day. |
June 12 Put hearing aids in approx. 8:00am.
Observations: Took out hearing aids for gym class (12-1pm) as just too much background noise. Also concerned about sweating. Will insert upon returning home. I notice now a desire to put them in. I am much better with my hearing aids in as I go about my day.
June 13 Put hearing aids in approx. 7:30am
Observations: Getting used to more sounds now. Sounds don’t seem to be so loud. I feel I am adjusting to hearing aids well. |